Annunciation: a prayer for the healing of the waters

The beginning of this image came in a dream, when the barn owl’s face blended with the wise expression of Kwan Yin.  Then I went to the redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountains, to pray and be in a sweat lodge ceremony with the Medicine Path circle, led by George Bertlestein.  A few days later I danced like a dervish at Ecstatic Dance Oakland, and the image came whole into my mind’s eye.  I stayed up late that night, sketching, and worked on this piece for close to nine months afterward.  Materials include gouache, water soluble pencils and crayons, sumac, and turmeric.

Eco Art Therapy

eARTh circles

eARTh circles combine art, outdoor explorations, and group interactions. We will connect to and collaborate with the sustaining, healing power and wisdom of nature – inside and outside of our selves.

Indoor and outdoor art activities, mindfulness practices, discussion, breathing and movement support our ability to open to the love and the pain of our interconnection with all that is.

Creative process helps us to clarify our vision and catalyze our energy in order to create healthier and more harmonious communities.

Earth art circles support new connections, whether you come alone, with a friend, partner, or family member. Children and teens are welcome; please contact me to make sure that the site and activity are age-appropriate for your child.

Date: Sunday May 5, 2013
Location: East Bay location TBA
Sacred Space: Where are our sacred spaces? We will be making nests, honoring our mother earth and cultivating safe homes.

Date: Sunday July 28, 2013
Location: East Bay location TBA
Courage – How does being in nature revitalize our hearts and inspire us to action? We will be connecting to our lion/lioness/leo selves, the protectors of the pride – and to our own bright centers.

Date: Sunday October 27, 2013
Location: East Bay location TBA
Family Trees – What would we like to harvest from our family trees? What would we like to release into the earth, to compost and feed new growth? We will make symbolic family trees and honor the turning toward darkness, our own ancestors and the ancestors of our land.

Register for eARTh circles. Please email or call me at 510-414-9728, with questions or for more information.

Group Art Therapy for Women

What’s Next? Transforming Transitions
Women’s Art Therapy Group

Life is full of change…shifts in employment and relationship status, living situation, health; recovery from loss or addiction. How do we flow through the waves of change? Where do we want to go in our lives? What’s getting in the way? What gives us the strength and hope to achieve our dreams?

We’ll use art activities to explore these questions and discover some answers in a small, supportive group. We will experience the power of sharing wisdom, humor, pain and compassion in the ancient healing space of the circle.

Artists are welcome; this group is also perfect for those who believe that they “aren’t artists” or “can’t draw.” Just as life is a journey, not a destination, our art is about the process, not the product. We’ll create collages, build bridges, make mandalas, and more.  All materials provided.

Where: Oakland location, wheelchair accessible.
When: 8 week groups meets Monday evenings from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Next cycle begins June 10, 2013.  Please email or call for fall cycle dates.

$400 – payment plan available.

Previous participants have said:

  • “The workshop was useful, practical, interesting and fun.”
  • “Making art was fun and relaxing.”
  • “I could feel my tension releasing while I drew.”
  • “The art was the most useful part of therapy.”
  • “I’m starting to like myself more.”
  • “Eleanor is gentle, accepting and caring … she creates a safe, non-judgmental space.”
  • “I felt comfortable with Eleanor, her presentation was clear and inspiring.”
  • “Eleanor is very down to earth.”

Register for this group. Please email or call me at 510-414-9728, with questions or for more information.